Come join us for the last Nerd Nite of 2018!
When: Thursday, November 15, 2018 (Doors open at 6:00pm, talks start at 7:00pm)
Where: WURST (2437 4 St SW)
Tickets: SOLD OUT, waitlist here
This is an 18+ event.
Why Us?! Backlash against Public Health Advertising Targeting Minorities
Leah Hamilton, Associate Professor of Management and Human Resources, Mount Royal University
Mohammed El Hazzouri, Associate Professor of Marketing, Mount Royal University
Public Health agencies often feature minority models in their advertising in an effort to persuade the featured minority groups to take on the health behaviors promoted by the advertisements. For many years, health communications experts assumed that these targeted methods were always effective. In our research, we show that this practice can create a backlash effect where minorities feel negatively stereotyped by such advertising. In our talk, we will present the results of four studies documenting this backlash effect. We will also discuss the directions of our future research on the topic.
“Won’t Somebody Think of the Children?”
Examining COPPA Compliance at Scale
Joel Reardon, University of Calgary
What’s happening behind the scenes when we run an app. It turns out a great number of ads and analytics companies are given access to sensitive data and frequently the only restraint is the technical limitations of the device itself. We build an automated system to run android apps and observe how they process and exfiltrate user data. We focus on a subset of children’s games in particular and find many potential violations of the U.S.’s COPPA law.