Get ready for our last event of 2017! Coming up Thursday, November 16th.

When: Thursday, November 16, 2017 (Doors open at 6:30pm, Event ~7pm)
Where: Wild Rose Brewery
Tickets: $10 online + fees
This is an 18+ event.


Hindsight Wasn’t 20/20 Nor as Colorful: The Evolution of Human Vision
Dr. Amanda Melin, Canada Research Chair & Assistant Professor, University of Calgary

amanda melin

Unless we are standing in a dark room, have lost our eye glasses, or have had a few too many beers, most humans can read an eye chart from across the room and see the world in vibrant color. In this, we are quite different from most other mammals. But why and how have we come to see the world so differently than our dogs and cats (or the mice living in our shed)? I try to answer this question by looking to our close relatives, including other primates. By combining approaches in molecular genetics, visual psychology, and animal behaviour, I explore variation in the color vision and acuity (ability to see detail) among living animals to make inferences about the past and predictions about the future.

#CloningAnselAdams: A revisionist history about the future of photography
Brad Wrobleski, Professional Photographer,

brad wrobleskiThe catalyst for this talk is a curiosity about cameras, seeing, learning and this thing we call photography; where it has been, what it is to us and an opaque prophesy on how we will engage with it in the future.

Brad is the incarnation of genetically motivated curiosity. He spent most of his life chasing his deeply driven curiosity about places and people, geography, what is possible by testing and tracing himself over the geographic lines of our planet and photography. If he was to designate a descriptor to his present curiosity it would be straddling the desk between graduate student and teacher. He is exploring how technology can be used to teach technology and art. A blending of augmented reality, artificial intelligence, BOTS  and pedagogical psychology.

The future of health – Precision Medicine
Dr. Jon Meddings, Dean, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary


The future of health is Precision Medicine. I will describe what this is, where it comes from and use some examples of what we are doing in Calgary that will set us apart from the rest of the world.