If you are a Game of Thrones fan, you have probably heard the phrase ‘valar morghulis’ or ‘dracarys’. These are invented words that did not exist before Game of Thrones. Have you ever wondered how those languages came to be, how ‘real’ they are or who is behind them? Well wait no longer, Nerd Nite Calgary is very excited to be bringing in David J. Peterson, the inventor of all of the languages used on Game of Thrones. David will be giving a presentation on language creation with a focus on Game of Thrones. David has also created languages for Emerald City, Defiance, Into The Badlands, The 100, Doctor Strange, Bright, Thor: The Dark World, The Christmas Chronicles and will be working on the upcoming Dune movie to just name a few.
Join us Sunday before the Game of Thrones viewing party at Wurst for David’s presentation with a Q&A afterwards. Then stay to watch Game of Thrones afterwards.
When: Sunday, May 12, 2019 (Presentation at 5:15, Arrive at 5pm)
Where: Wurst
Tickets: FREE (SOLD OUT – Waitlist)
This is an 18+ event.